Saturday, May 21, 2011

Give me a big ol' break!!

Len Ellis writes for the Peace and Justice Center of Arlington. I looked up the Peace and Justice Center on the internet, and its mission statement is "to facilitate Peace, Love and Justice through education, networking and nonviolent action." Yeah, right.

Len says that by killing Bin Laden, we killed "the possibility that he could ever come to trial, and most important, the possibility that bin Laden could stand before the world and recognize that what he did was wrong, that his philosophy of terrorism and violence is wrong." Is this guy for real? Does he really think that Bin Laden would ever see the error of his ways this side of Hell? He says that if we suffer retaliation for Bin Laden's death, it's appropriate. Uh, Len, you do remember that we didn't start this thing?

Len says we will never create a culture of peace as long as we "continue to label and demonstrate killing as 'justice.'" I guess Len doesn't realize that the only way to bring peace to a world infiltrated by terrorists is to get rid of the terrorists. We'll see if Len changes his definition of justice if one of his loved ones is killed by a Bin Laden clone.

Bottom line . . . Len is either incredibly naive, or he's a blooming idiot.

"Ending the cycle of violence." The Dallas Morning News; May 4, 2011; p. 18A.

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