Saturday, May 28, 2011

How sad.

The ACLU is at it again. Some schools hold their graduation ceremonies in church facilities because they can accommodate more people than the school facilities. The ACLU says this discriminates against those who are not religious. But that's not really the reason for this post.

In argument against the ACLU, Irving School District official Lane Ladewig said, "We're not promoting religion or anything. When you get inside that facility you would think it's a theater, not a church." How sad . . . that a church no longer looks like a church, but looks just like the world. I'm afraid that to a great extent, that's true spiritually as well.

"District to end graduations at church next year." The Dallas Morning News; May 16, 2011; p. 1B.

Today's funny from Charles Richards reports on a trial "proceeded over" by Judge Webb Biard. I'll just bet Judge Biard thought he was presiding.

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