Monday, May 16, 2011

How does gay marriage hurt you?

For those three or four of you who may not be aware of it, Social Security is in trouble. We are fast approaching the point where more people will be drawing benefits than paying in. It doesn't take an economist to tell you that that situation can't go on for long.

So what does this have to do with gay marriage? Obama has decided that his administration will no longer uphold the Defense of Marriage Act. This is the act that prohibits federal payments to partners in same sex marriages. The bottom line here is that if this act is reversed, then hundreds and maybe thousands more will be added to the Social Security payout roster. It will make it even more difficult for those of us who have a legitimate claim on benefits.

And that's how gay marriage hurts heterosexuals.

"Couples frustrated by '96 federal law." The Dallas Morning News; April 10, 2011; p. 12A.

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