Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Here we go again!

The bleeding hearts are all upset because Joseph Wood "gasped" and lingered for a couple of hours after he received his lethal injection in Arizona for murdering his ex-girlfriend and her father. They claim that such a death is cruel and unusual and are calling for an end to this method of execution. As far as I'm concerned, a firing squad accomplishes the job quickly and cleanly. We could just go with that.

Wood was administered a combination of a sedative and a painkiller. Texas uses a big old dose of pentobarbital, and so far, there's not been a problem with the criminal lingering. Or a big old dose of Propofol seemed to work quite well on Michael Jackson.

"Inmate dies 2 hours after execution begins." The Dallas Morning News; July 24, 2014; p. 2A.

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