Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We got that one out of the way!

Obama has captured Ahmed Abu Khattala, and I guess he thinks that puts that little issue to rest. At least according to Tom Brewer of Mesquite it does.

Tom has a letter to the editor in which he praises Obama for hunting down and capturing "the" culprit responsible for the attack. I don't know why that's so great -- several of the news organizations tracked him down months ago and did interviews with him.

Tom exults that "the" terrorist is in our custody and is heading to the U.S. for trial. He should be headed to Gitmo as an enemy combatant.

My problem is with Tom's continued use of the definite article. From what I saw, there were more terrorists than just Ahmed there that night. What are we doing to catch them?

"Kudos to Obama for capture." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2014; p. 2P.

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