Monday, July 28, 2014

Maybe so, maybe not.

Demonstrators outside the Mexican consulate in Austin carried signs that said, "We are all immigrants."

Not true -- I was born here to U.S. citizens, who were born here to U.S. citizens, who were born here to U.S. citizens -- I can take it back to prior to the Revolutionary War.

Even if it were true that we are all immigrants, we certainly are not all illegal aliens. Most of us have no problem with welcoming immigrants to this country. We only have a problem with those who think the laws don't apply to them. Think about it -- if they believe they don't have to abide by the laws to get here, why should we believe that they will keep our laws once we let them stay?

"Number of kids crossing river slows, officials say." The Dallas Morning News; July 19, 2014; p. 3A.

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