Sunday, July 27, 2014

Whose logic is flawed?

James V. Lee of Ft. Worth says he asked this question on Facebook: "What do you think would happen if Christians actually prayed for President Obama?" He says no one answered the question. He says not answering a question is taught as a logical fallacy in essay writing.

So is starting with a false premise, James. You make the false assumption that Christians are not praying for Obama. You ask the classic "When did you stop beating your wife" question. He says those who won't answer the question he poses are just pushing their own agendas. What do you think you're doing, James, by posing such a biased question to begin with? Why didn't you just ask, "How many of you who are Christians are praying for Obama?" If that question is avoided, you might have a point.

But I'll freely tell you, James, that I pray for Obama every day. I pray that God will touch the elected leaders of this country, our President in particular, and that He will lift up the righteous and bring down the wicked. And if that prayer offends you, James, it tells us which side of the equation you think Obama falls on.

"Dodging the question." The Dallas Morning News; July 20, 2014; p. 3P.

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