Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Yes, I do have a right to be judgmental!

Ryann Lavy of Grapevine takes issue with those of us whom she judges to be judgmental. She says that she was hot stuff as a teenager -- she made A's, had an iPhone and nice clothes. Little did she know, she says, that in a few years she would be stuck alone, pregnant with twins, and trying to find enough money for food for the next week. (I guess those twins "just happened" through no fault of her own, and there was no father who had a responsibility to come up with the money for food for the next week.)

She says it could happen to anyone, and she wishes people would understand that it's not our place to judge. I'll agree with you Ryann. What you do on your time and with your money and your morals is your business and none of mine. But that changes when you expect me to provide your housing, your food, your medical care, your iPhone, and to take care of your illegitimate children. What you do with my money gives me the right to judge how you spend every penny you have.

Ryann says that the world would be a more pleasant and easier place to live if people didn't judge. Really, Ryann? More pleasant and easier for whom?

"Judging others' hard times." The Dallas Morning News; July 15, 2014; p. 8A.

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