Saturday, August 9, 2008

Could it be because . . .

Political pundits are a bit bumfuzzled as to why Barack Obama is not enjoying a double-digit lead over John McCain in the polls. They wonder why Obama is "basically tied with his opponent when his party is so far ahead." I think it's because Obama makes even liberal Democrats look like far right-wingers.

David Brooks of The New York Times speculates that, " . . .voters have trouble placing him in his context, understanding the roots and values in which he is ineluctably embedded." Nah -- I think it's because Obama makes even liberal Democrats look like far right-wingers.

Clarence Page says Mr. Obama's biracial background may be contributing to the slimness of his lead. Nah -- I think it's because Obama makes even liberal Democrats look like far right-wingers.

Mark Ambinder says that "Recent history suggests that the electorate swings late, not early, as undecided voters slowly, carefully and fairly rationally begin to make up their minds." Nah -- I think it's because Obama makes even liberal Democrats look like far right-wingers.

Yes, I think Obama makes even liberal Democrats look good -- and that's a very scary thought!

"Obama fatigue?" The Dallas Morning News; August 8, 2008; p. 19A.

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