Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Let us have a moment of silence.

Monday's Dallas Morning News reported a "sad day in the blogosphere." It seems Rosie O'Donnell has informed her readers that she's going to discontinue her blog for a while. She says, "It gets to a point where it's too much. It's too draining."

Pooooooor Rosie! She's such a martyr. Donald Trump doesn't like her, they kicked her off The View, and now her millions of fans are literally draining her dry by demanding that she blog every day. Pooooooooor Rosie!

I'm really tickled that people read my blog, but even if no one read it, I'd probably still do it. It's my way of getting things off my chest. It's fun for me to sit down and comment on what I see in the newspapers and in life. But I'm just so upset about poooooooooor Rosie ---- NOT!

"No more haiku from Rosie?" The Dallas Morning News; August 4, 2008; p. 3E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you blog to vent because it is one of the highlights of my day!! Keep 'em coming Essie!!!