Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Art is in the eye of the beholder.

Have you seen the new art in Tikrit, Iraq? (There's a photo of it in my reference link). It was made by sculptor Laith al-Amiri in honor of imprisoned Muntadhir al-Zaidi, the nutcase who threw a shoe at President Bush. It is at the Tikrit orphanage, and the orphans helped al-Amiri build the $5,000 structure. "Those orphans who helped the sculptor in building this monument were the victims of Bush's war," the orphanage director said. "The shoe monument is a gift to the next generation to remember the heroic action by the journalist [al-Zaidi]."

First of all, if they are so concerned about the orphans of "Bush's war," perhaps they should have spent that $5000 on something for them. They can't wear that shoe, and they certainly can't eat it. Second of all, if al-Zaidi had thrown that shoe at Saddam, he wouldn't be in prison. He'd be in a mass grave somewhere. I guess he thinks he and all those orphans were much better off in Saddam's Iraq. At any rate, it looks like indoctrination of innocent children is still going on there.

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