Monday, July 13, 2009

Darned if you do, darned if you don't!

I wrote in a previous post about how everything these days is a crisis. We're filling up the earth with landfills, but when we quit filling up the landfills, people lose their jobs.

Here's the latest: you know the environmentalist push to carry reusable bags to the grocery store? Not a good idea. Sporometrics, an environmental microbiology firm, says they found reusable food-shopping bags teeming with bacteria, yeast, mold and coliform counts -- enough to raise the danger signal. "The moist, dark, warm interior of a folded reusable bag that has acquired a small amount of water and a trace of food contamination is an ideal incubator for bacteria," the report said.

And I heard on TV recently that now that the long-heralded digital switch has occurred on our television airwaves, we'll be tossing into those crisis-laden landfills thousands of discarded analog TV's with high lead levels.

You know what would stop all the craziness? If the government would butt out!

"Bacteria may be breeding in your reusable grocery bags." The Dallas Morning News; June 6, 2009; p. 5E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN!! (If I could make my font 100 times bigger I would have!)