Monday, June 30, 2014


It's interesting to read the letters to the editor. Many people state as fact things that are not fact at all. Sometimes they interpret principles to fit their own beliefs, disregarding anything that renders their interpretations erroneous.

For example, Mark Walz of Dallas says that psychologists all condemn "reparative therapy." That's just not true. Joseph Nicolosi is a psychologist, and he believes reparative therapy can work. Christopher H. Rosik is a clinical psychologist, and he sees a place for reparative therapy. I'm sure there must be others out there, for why would all the gays be raising such a big stink if these were the only two pointing out that homosexuality is wrong?

Then Mr. Walz says that we are sexual beings created in the image of God. I'm not sure where he's going with that, but I can assure Mr. Walz that God is not a homosexual! Walz then says that those who believe what God said are calling for others to "live their lives without love. To live without falling in love, securing a spouse or creating family." I don't know where that comes from. I don't have a problem with people getting married and having children. I do have a problem with perversion and calling evil good and good evil.

I Googled Mr. Walz, and discovered that he is the pastor of a Universalist Unitarian church. That's one of those where they teach that whatever you believe is the truth. Here's the quote from their website:

"Our congregation affirms and promotes the individual's search for truth and meaning. As a result, we are a theologically diverse group. We count among our members Buddhists, Humanists, Christians, Pagans, Wiccans, Jews, Taoists and Atheists as well as those whose journey is more eclectic."

More eclectic than humanists, wiccans, pagans and atheists? I'd sure hate to run into those folks! Mr. Walz ends his letter with "God help us all." On that we can agree, but I have a feeling that Mr. Walz's eclectic prayers don't get much higher than the ceiling.

"Comments cruel to gays." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2014; p. 2P.

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