Sunday, October 24, 2010

But how does he feel now?

When the tornado hit Dallas a few weeks ago month, Carlos Mata was just arriving at work at Mockingbird Adult Video. Mata said, "The tornado was coming at us. I thought it was going to entomb us it was so strong. I thought of God. I was in such a hurry, though, but I started to pray."

Wonder if Carlos still works at the adult video store? Kind of reminds me of the old movie with Steve Martin. I can't remember all the details, but I think he had decided to commit suicide and had swum out into the ocean. Once out in the deep, he changed his mind. As he started swimming back, he made God all sorts of promises if He would just help him get back to shore. As he got closer and closer to land, however, those promises began to lose their fervor, and he began to back off them. By the time he waded up to the beach, they were all forgotten.

I'll just bet if you wander into that store, you'll find Carlos there.

"Video store worker: It 'was coming at us.'" The Dallas Morning News; September 9, 2010; p. 15A.

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