Monday, October 4, 2010

That's some pretty expensive swimming!

Remember when Essie posted about the protest at Dallas City Hall concerning closing some of the municipal swimming pools (August 25, 2010 -- "Did they take the day off?")?

Well, here's an update for you. The city released some statistics regarding the expense to run those pools. Over the last three summers, each visit to Exline pool in South Dallas cost the taxpayers $136. Each visit to Glandale pool in East Oak Cliff cost the taxpayers $80. The overall average cost for the city's 21 pools was $31.

That's some pretty expensive swimming, and I don't know anyone with half a brain who would advocate continuing to pour money into those holes.

"Pools cost taxpayers up to $136 per visitor." The Dallas Morning News; August 22, 2010; p. 1B.

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