Monday, October 11, 2010

"You can keep your current coverage," Obama said.

Remember when Obama was pushing Obamacare, and he said that the opposition was putting lies out there. "You won't have to switch your coverage," he said. "If you're happy with what you have, you can keep it."

From the August 26, 2010, issue of The Dallas Morning News: "More than 3 million seniors may have to switch their Medicare prescription plans next year, even if they're perfectly happy with them, because of an attempt by the government to simplify their lives. . .While seniors would not lose Medicare coverage, they could see changes in their premiums and co-payments."

Do you think those "changes" they "could see" will be decreases? If you do, you're probably one of the poor fools who bought into Obamacare in the first place.

Of course, then we have McDonald's and teachers unions who simply can't afford to abide by the rules of Obamacare. McDonald's offers mini-med plans to its employees, but Obamacare outlaws those plans. So they've asked for waivers. And they've been given them. But what about the companies that don't get waivers? And we were told the government wouldn't be deciding who got care and who didn't!

"Drug plans to decrease." The Dallas Morning News; August 26, 2010; p. 2D.

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