Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's not spending!

I resent the way Democrats look at tax cuts. They call it "spending." It's NOT spending when you allow a citizen to keep his own money.

Obama wants to let the Bush tax cuts for those making over $200,000 expire. He says we "can't afford to spend $700 billion to keep lower tax rates in place for the nation's highest earners."

That's like me telling Mr. Essie May that I'm going to start taking $300 a month out of his paycheck for my mad money instead of the $150 he's been giving me because I just can't afford to keep spending that extra $150 a month on him. Now doesn't that sound ridiculous? But that's exactly what Obama is saying.

Basic accounting, Barack -- revenue is money you take in; expense is money you spend! They're on different sides of the books! And if you'll stop spending money like it's going out of style, you won't have to worry about the revenue side.

And a side note here: That tax cut for the "wealthy" he keeps talking about also affects small businesses. And when their taxes take that major jump, it will be reflected in what you pay for their goods and services and in an even bigger rise in unemployment. Don't be caught up in Obama's class warfare rhetoric. As I've said before, I never once was offered a job by a poor man.

"Obama: U.S. can't afford tax cut for wealthy." The Dallas Morning News; September 9, 2010; p. 1A.

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