Sunday, October 17, 2010

Obama's New Rug

Did you hear about Obama's new rug for the oval office? There's no telling what we paid for the thing. Its border is highlighted by quotes from famous men. But they goofed on the quote attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. It's actually a quote from Theodore Parker. It's one of those quotes with lots of lofty sounding words but no real substance -- "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

Guess it really doesn't matter -- MLK probably used it in one of his plagiarized theses or dissertations. I'm just wondering how much it will cost us to fix it. Of course, Obama doesn't mind living a lie, so maybe that's an expense we taxpayers won't have to bear.

"There's a problem underfoot." The Dallas Morning News; September 5, 2010; p. 6A.

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