Monday, October 18, 2010

Eddie Bernice. Liar? Stupid? Both?

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson says she did not ". . .have an ethical alarm go off," when she awarded $31,000 in scholarships to her grandsons, great-nephews, children of her chief aide, and the daughter of a man who oversees contracts for her DFW Airport businesses. Now tell me, don't you think anybody with half an ounce of sense would think to himself, "Hmm . . . this might not be quite kosher," if he had control of charitable funds and was directing them to his grandchildren and business associates?

So is Eddie Bernice really that stupid? Or is she lying? Or does she think we're that stupid?

And here's the convenient thing -- Eddie Bernice says her grandchildren didn't sign the affidavits attesting they were not related to anyone on the Foundation Board and they met residency requirements. Well, if they did, they are mysteriously missing from her office. So if the forms can't be found, guess that means they can't be prosecuted for perjury.

"Johnson: 'I never heard the rules' on scholarships." The Dallas Morning News; September 3, 2010; p. 1A.

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