Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Secretary of State John Kerry says, "Baloney!" to the suggestion that terrorists now have new incentives to kidnap Americans. Five top level Taliban for one fruitcake traitor is pretty good -- for the Taliban.

I wonder if the families of those brave soldiers who were reported killed trying to retrieve this traitor think it's baloney?

Kerry also says that the five terrorists we so freely handed over might, indeed, get back into the fight. But if they do, he says, "they also have the ability to get killed doing that." That's true -- we know we got Bin Laden -- after 10 years of hunting and sacrificed lives. And so what if these five plan and carry out another 9/11? According to Kerry's logic, we'll have the satisfaction of avenging 3,000 lives on just those five. To that, I say, "BALONEY!"

"Kerry defends Bergdahl swap." The Dallas Morning News; June 9, 2014; p. 1A.

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