Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Living in the Lap of Luxury

Oak Cliff is celebrating. They just cut the ribbon on a $30 million public funded housing project that features a swimming pool with fountains and a lobby with lots of glass and chandeliers. There are 193 apartments and 14,000 square feet of commercial area. If we allocate $55 per square foot for the commercial area ($770,000 -- let's just round it off to $1 million), that means each apartment cost about $150,000.

I wonder how long it will be before the pool is algae covered and the fountains are broken? I wonder how long it will be before the chandeliers no longer work? I wonder how long it will be before all that glass is cracked or completely broken out of the frames? I wonder how long it will be before the retail space is boarded up?

As I've often said, it's not the ghetto that's the problem -- it's the people who live there.

"A complex built on hope." The Dallas Morning News; June 13, 2014; p. 1B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. It's the same with guns, guns don't kill people, people kill people.