Thursday, June 3, 2010

How's that affordable health care working for you?

The government released an estimate in May that says that health insurance premiums will rise 1% on employer plans to cover the mandate for allowing adult children to remain on their parents' plans. Each dependent added to a plan costs $3,380. This means that a) the employees will see an increase in premiums or b) employees won't see the increase, but they won't be getting raises, and new employees will come in at a lower wage or c) companies won't be hiring any new employees, and may, in fact, be forced to let some go or d) prices for the service or product the company provides will rise.

And that's only the estimate for the expected increase on one mandate -- wait till we get the estimates for coverage for pre-existing conditions and no lifetime caps. May God protect us from any more affordability!

"Extended plan to raise health costs." The Dallas Morning News; May 11, 2010; p. 6A.

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