Sunday, June 20, 2010

Too stupid to be parents . . .

Patrick Hale suffered a terrible tragedy. He fed his 23-month-old daughter popcorn, she inhaled the kernels into her lung, bronchial tubes, and vocal cords, and she died. I can't imagine how devastated those parents must be.

However, he and his wife are not taking any blame for feeding a food to their daughter that she was not old enough to handle. It's the popcorn company's fault. It didn't tell them popcorn was dangerous. Maybe the U.S. Mint better issue a warning, too -- don't let your toddlers put coins in their mouths. The manufacturers of peppermint and other hard candy better warn these ignorant parents, too. Pepper growers better start warning them that jalapenos and other peppers are too hot for their babies. Oh -- and beef producers -- "Don't feed your 3-month-old steak." And fruit growers -- "Remove apple seeds before feeding to your child." And just in case you didn't know, alcoholic beverages shouldn't be put into baby bottles.

I swear, some people are just too stupid to be parents.

"Choking hazards studied." The Dallas Morning News; May 25, 2010; p. 8A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN Essie! Unfortunately, it seems the ones too stupid to be parents, are the ones constantly reproducing!!!