Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He ain't no Annie Sullivan!

Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson says Obama is a "miracle worker." Who would have ever thought that one man could take over the United States economy the way he has? Who would have ever thought that an American President would release terrorists to go home and plot against us? Who would have ever thought that the Commander-in-Chief would prevent our military leaders from carrying out their mission by setting arbitrary deadlines? Who would have ever thought that Americans would be forced to pay for insurance they don't want or need not only for themselves, but also for those whose priorities are so messed up they don't take care of their own business? Who would have ever thought that the leader of the free world would bow to dictators and tyrants? Who would have ever thought that the one who should be the country's most patriotic citizen would count as his mentor an extremist whose philosophy is "not God bless America, but God d___ America"? Who would have ever thought that the President of the United States would deny our heritage and claim that we are not a Christian nation?

Eddie Bernice may call these miracles. I call them travesties.

"Johnson doesn't buy colleagues' upbraiding of Obama." The Dallas Morning News; December 27, 2009; p. 9A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It bottles the mind, doesn't it?