Friday, January 1, 2010

Awwwww - isn't that sweet?

I never thought I'd see the day, but I have to give Marion Barry a pat on the back. He's about as sleazy and crooked as they come, but he has taken a stand contrary to politically correct protocol.

The Washington, D.C. City Council voted on December 15 to legalize gay marriage. The bill passed 11-2 with two of the members saying, "I do," when called upon for their votes. Hooray for Marion Barry who rejoined with, "I don't," when his turn came around.

So we'll hear the old, "Why are heteros so afraid of gay marriage" argument again. Here's one reason. The Archdiocese of Washington said it might have to stop providing adoptions and other services because the law would force it to extend benefits to same-sex couples. We are going to hell in a handbasket!

"D.C. backs gay marriage, sends plan to Congress." The Dallas Morning News; December 16, 2009; p. 4A.

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